What do travelers and cooks have in common?

They both use a sheet of paper for directions, both filled with mysteries waiting to be revealed.
What a map is to a traveler, a recipe is to the cook. 

'Of Maps & Recipes' is an archive of my experiences as I find my own directions. It's a place where I get to talk about two of my greatest loves - travel & food. Both have been a huge part of my life ever since I was child...travel, because my father was in the army and food because my mother is the world's greatest cook (she really is!). Plus, I also ended up marrying a restaurateur.

If you have read my other blog on design & decor, Home is where the art is, then you'll know what a big part of my life that is too. It is what defines me, it's my passion and I hope to make a living out of it. But my love for food & travel comes with no expectations. It's the love of a good life. It's the desire to constantly experience new things. It's nothing but pure indulgence. 

What you can find here...
Cookbooks & travel guides
Dream destinations
What to pack
How to travel
Weekend getaways
Sights to see
Restaurant picks
Shopping lists
Stocking a pantry
Cookware suggestions 
Little know facts about cities & restaurants
Holiday albums
Food photography
News, views & reviews on anything to do with travel/ food
And lots more!

Do write in to share your own experiences with me, and let's make this world even smaller than what it already is!
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